Thursday 21 May 2015

Sherbet thinks he can see St Francis praying in the cave.

Here I am dear friends sitting at the entrance to one of the caves St Francis came to sleep in, I am on a mountain top called La Verna and this was one of the retreats of St Francis. I have been inside the cave and seen where St Francis slept and I realise how lucky I am to have my comfy bed at Clover Cottage . Oh dear , when I went  inside the cave I saw a rocky, uncomfortable looking ledge and I cannot imagine how St Francis managed to fall asleep there.
I am seeing something a little bit creepy in this photograph, look to the left and middle of the cave, can you see that it looks like St Francis with his hands together in prayer, there is a little triangle of flesh colour right in the middle of the darkness and I can see dark brown robes to the left of the cave!
 I think  it is St Francis himself praying in there. I keep seeing people here that look real but  I do not think they are really real as they look to be from another time  and I think they should already be settled in the next life otherwise they must be at least 800 years old and their beards are not long enough for that. Love Sherbetx

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Sherbet is resting after lots of walking.

Oh my goodness , I have walked so much today up and down hills and down and up again and then up and down pink stoned wonky steps, (some of which I was a little bit afraid of as they were a little bit too wonky!) and then down again and then up again, until my little feet could not walk anymore .
 Here I am resting in a place that seems just made for me . Just look at all of these brightly coloured comfy cushions , I could almost be back in my cosy kitchen at Clover Cottage if it wasn't for the noises of Assisi finding their way into my ears. I am just going to rest a bit longer then  am going to feed some pigeons in the Piazza around the corner . Love from Sherbetx

Oh how Sherbet loves Saint Francis

Oh my dear Saint Francis . How I love him. Here he is with some of his birds.  Oh how he loved all the little creatures and all the big creatures and all the creations of nature surrounding him as he walked for kilometres and kilometres and then even more kilometres up hills and down into valleys and then up hills again until he found his perfect places to sit quietly and pray. ( phew what a long sentence ! ) 
 You can see that I have a look of pure bliss and adoration on my face as I am cuddling up to him . He does look rather small  here compared to me, but he is in truth hugely wonderful  with a huge heart and huge soul so just because he looks a little bit little here, it  does not reflect who he really is does it ?
Love from Sherbet Sheep x

Monday 18 May 2015

Sherbet is resting next to St Francis

Ah, my favourite Saint, St Francis of Assisi. How blessed I am to have found this wonderful sculpture of him resting. I am here at this magnificent place called The Hermitage just outside of Assisi and up a long ,winding, steep, hairpin bended road . It was St Francis' place to retreat to and a perfect place for his meditation. I am here, resting right beside him and as you can see I have taken my shoes off too out of respect for my beloved Saint Francis.
I know that he would not mind me being here, snuggled up next to him as he did love all the creatures of the world and surely that must include sheep even ones called Sherbet.
I have had a truly delightful afternoon here with the light streaming through the trees and dappling my wool with bright white splodges. I found my own special places in the wooded slopes and pathways where I know for sure that the feet and sandals of Saint Francis have also walked . I sat in my own quiet meditation and said a few little prayers to my favourite Saint. I know he was listening to me and I am sure he is very good at answering prayers . Love from Sherbetx

Saturday 16 May 2015

Sherbet has made new friends in Assisi

I have made some new friends again. I do not know their names but I think they come from Germany. If I remember well I have seen them before with a big group of schoolboys.
 I do hope I did not interrupt their delicious Italian ice cream eating time too much.
 Maybe we can find them again if my  German sheep friends share this photo.
 Love from Sherbet with new friends from far far away.

Sherbet is finding lots of places to rest after walking up and down hills all day in Assisi

Oh how tired my little feet are after walking up and down steep hills and wonky pink stoned steps all day long.
As you can see I am very good at finding comfy places to lay down for a little while . Those cushions  in my second photograph were just made for me and my little Sherbet Sheep body.
My shoes have been wearing out so you will start to see me wearing my grey ones soon . I don't  have many clothes with me just these dungarees . I think it is appropriate as I am trying to follow St Francis who threw away his clothes to wear a scratchy piece of sack cloth. I am sure if I wore sack cloth it wouldn't scratch me as I am far too woolly but Oh dear, poor Saint Francis must have really wished he had a soft woolly coat underneath his simple clothing . But I am sure that as he had such a pure heart and soul he was constantly being blessed with not feeling itchy.
Love from Sherbetx

Sherbet has a new friend called Lara

Hello dear friends . I must tell you that while I was on my to Assisi , I stayed for one night in a beautiful place near a lake and I introduced myself to a brand new  Italian friend called Lara, I hope Lara will read my stories. I am sure they will help her to learn English. Hello from Sherbet Sheep to Lara my new friend. Love from Sherbetx

Friday 15 May 2015

Sherbet is enjoying being around beautiful paintings.

Here I am sitting around beautiful paintings . Oh how I am blessed to be able to come here and just stand here like this as though I am a splendid work of art myself.
If it was not for my modern clothes you may just think that I belonged in the 13th or 14th century.  I am however alive and well and living in the here and now. As you can see from this picture I have a particularly happy and contented face today.
Love from Sherbet x

Hanging about in the walls of Assisi

Here I am hanging about in the walls of Assisi watching the world go by. I am a very happy Sherbet Sheep. Love to you all.   Sherbetx

Thursday 14 May 2015


Dearest friends , I am sending you all huge pots of love and peace all the way from Assisi .
 How lovely that I can manage to find just the right messages to send you right there on the street.
Love from Sherbetx

Sherbet is in Assisi the home of his favourite Saint.

Oh my dear friends from nearby and far far away. I think you can see why I have not written my story lately. I have been on my travels again and now here I am in the city of peace,  Assisi , in the beautiful country of Italy. This is the home of my very favourite Saint . San Francesco. He loved all the little creatures just as I do.
Today, a very kind man allowed me to sit in his art gallery and have my photos taken.
In fact he thought it quite good fun to have me there and I am very grateful to him as it is a very beautiful place full of beautiful things and there I was, a little bit grubby from sitting around on stone walls and steps all day .  The picture of Saint Francis behind me is made of ceramic tiles .Oh how lovely it was to spend some time looking at the beautiful artwork all around me. I will show you more pictures tomorrow.  I have so many.
With love and peace from Assisi , Sherbetx

Saturday 2 May 2015

Prince George has a new baby sister.

Here I am sitting on the Royal yacht. This is a very special day as a new baby princess was born this morning and she is the sister of my good friend Prince George. Any moment now I will be whisked off into the ocean to start my journey to meet her. I do not know her name yet and I know I will have to wait a few days before she gets back to her country home of Anmer Hall, but I am looking forward to making her my new friend.  I will visit them on my bicycle as I will enjoy riding around the blossom filled country lanes in this beautiful May weather.
 I am so happy that Prince George now has a playmate and a baby sister to look after and I cannot wait to invite them both to Clover Cottage to meet all the little creatures in my garden.
 Love from Sherbetx